Our Services:
The proper positioning and messaging of your brand, your people, your solutions, and your products makes your company stand out over your competition. Our experienced experts will help you to craft powerful and memorable messaging that cuts through common marketing fluff, with crisp, easily digestible content that nails exactly what you do, the ways in which you are superior and in a way that your audience will care.
We establish key personnel in your organization as credible thought leaders in your industry. We do this by clearly defining a messaging strategy that includes the articulation of the critical problems your solutions uniquely solve, targeting the personas who care, with content that resonates with them, and where to place it. Examples include: blogs, speaking opportunities, bylined articles, industry awards and key other assets that continue to validate your industry expert, leadership role
We help you to determine the right social media platforms that build the right kind of followers to effectively engage them through regular content and interactions that are compelling, authoritative, and continually relevant and in a way that incents them to share with others and to compel others to join in.
The fastest way to be the leader in a category is by creating it. Our experts will help you assess, evaluate, develop, and define credible and defendable new categories for your solution(s). We then provide you with the tools to convey your unique position in persuading prospects, key industry analysts and market influencers who can recognize your category and validate your leadership.
Analysts can be some of your best promoters or your worst nightmares. We enable you and your team (or work on your behalf) to identify and leverage strategic and influential analysts to champion your market position. We establish regular engagements to test and validate (or tweak as needed) your positioning and messaging and help you secure critical recommendations, and top ratings/awards in their reports, and publications.
Happy customers are your biggest asset. We help you tell their stories to show how painful life was before they found your solution, how you solved their most challenging areas of pain, and how you delivered measurable benefits, and ROI. These narratives are leveraged as case studies, success stories, solutions briefs, vertical industry-focused content, customer advisory boards, customer reference accounts, etc. All designed to remove fear and doubt, and move your prospects quickly through your sales pipeline.
We make sure you find and get all the accolades your organization deserves. Our team tracks all the relevant awards for your industry and solutions. We help you to craft fresh, credible, and compelling content to help you to win the recognition that drives status, visibility and sales.